In the 2018 Human Development Index Report of the UN, Norway, a Scandinavian country, was declared to be the country with the best living conditions.
The Human Development Index, which was prepared by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) declared Norway as the country with the best living conditions for its fascinating nature, good work and educational opportunities, and social state facilities. According to the index, Switzerland is following Norway. Australia, Ireland and Germany are following Switzerland. At the end of the index, which includes 189 countries, there is an African country, Niger.
Commenting on the published index, UNDP Executive Director Achim Steiner said that they have identified a sustained increase in the quality of life on a global scale. Steiner said today that 59 countries and regions are included in the high human development category, and this number was 46 eight years ago. Steiner, on the other hand, said that in many countries around the world, people are exposed to inequality of opportunity.
The Human Development Index of the United Nations Development Program is calculated on the basis of many human development indicators. Indicators such as life expectancy, education level and per capita income are used to calculate the index. The index is also part of the annual human development report prepared by UNDP. The general description of the report is as follows:
Looking at the 2018 results, Norway, Switzerland, Australia, Ireland and Germany took first place in the ranking of the Human Development Index of 189 countries while Niger, Central African Republic, South Sudan, Chad and Burundi were the countries with the lowest scores in these measurements.
Ireland had the highest increase between 2012 and in 2017 and moved up 13 positions in the ranking, Turkey, the Dominican Republic and Botswana have increased in the eight places in the ranking order. The three steepest falls in the human development rankings were the conflict zones: the Syrian Arab Republic’s HDI rankings fell 27, followed by falling Libya (26 places) and Yemen (20 places).
The most important movements in the Human Development Index stem from changes in health, education and income. The world has experienced significant changes in health for the last seven years. There were also significant reductions in the number of infant deaths at birth.
A child born in Norway on the first day of the index can expect to live over the age of 82 and spend about 18 years in school. A child born in Niger, who is at the bottom of the rankings, will have a life average of only 60 years of age and will spend five years in schools for education.
There is a tremendous variation between countries in terms of quality of education, health care and many other important aspects of life.
There are an average of 39 primary school students per teacher in Africa, followed by South Asia by 35 students per teacher. However, in OECD countries, East Asia and the Pacific, and in Europe and Central Asia, there is an average teacher for every 16-18 elementary school students. And in OECD countries and East Asia and the Pacific, there are 28 to 29 physicians per 10,000 people, while there are only eight in South Asia and two in Africa.